Henry was all set to go! I think his favorite thing about going was his nap-mat. He walked right in the classroom and started playing, he thought he was just going to church as usual...we'll see how he does after 6 hours!
I went back to work this week and the boys (and I) have been so lucky to have Lauren and Owen come over to our house every day!! Monday, everyone made a catepillar! I think this was a big hit and today, four days later, we have grass!!!
Lauren and I took the boys to the waterpark this morning. I was a little nervous because Henry is not fond of the water, but he proved me wrong, he had a blast! He was all over the pool, played on the equipment, even went down the slide by himself! Warren was a trooper too, he napped and then sat in the water with me! We'll have to go again before the park closes for the fall.